
January 1, 2017

Server Room Control System

With the increasing importance of server rooms and data centers, and given the fact that maintenance and information on the status of these rooms is very […]
January 31, 2017

Access Control Gates

Using this device, it is possible to control the peoples’ access to entrances, units and parts of each organization or department or sports club or playground […]
February 4, 2017

Access Control

Using this system, it is possible to control the personnelS’ access to different units and rooms of each organization or office, as well as the ability […]
February 4, 2017


Printer use: Ability to connect with softwares and handout printed receipts

    ثبت شماره تماس

    شماره همراه خود را بصورت کامل وارد نمایید

    مثال : 09120000000

