
February 4, 2017

Electronic Locks

Electronic locks include locks that can be used on lockers and doors along with access control devices
February 5, 2017

Patrolling Automation

In all places where security, control and supervision are of great importance and need to be regularly monitored over a given period of time, and there […]
February 5, 2017

Autobus Fleet Management System

By using Pardazande Pars’ credit automation system, citizens can pay their fares using contactless and multi-purpose (Hybrid) electronic cards. The purpose of this system is to […]
February 5, 2017

Taxi Meter

Due to the growing urban population and transportation within the city, including public transport and fleets service, executive events and so on, it is obviously that […]

    ثبت شماره تماس

    شماره همراه خود را بصورت کامل وارد نمایید

    مثال : 09120000000

