
February 5, 2017

Paintball Automation

In this system, the customer makes a reservation with the call center and reserves the required time. The operator will reserve the reservation with the special […]
February 5, 2017

Water Park Automation

In this system, the customer receives a contactless wristband and purchases credit for it as they wish. These wristbands can be recharged as necessary. This wristband […]
February 13, 2017

Software Features

Graphical and statistical reports on the performance of the bus service in a time series Possibility to set up a group for ticket cards and grouping […]
February 18, 2017

تجهیزات سخت افزاری سیستم تاکسی متر هوشمند

تجهیزات سخت افزاری سیستم تاکسی متر هوشمند jتجهیزات سخت افزاری سیستم تاکسی متر هوشمند جهت مدیریت سامانه تاکسیرانی عبارت است از :

    ثبت شماره تماس

    شماره همراه خود را بصورت کامل وارد نمایید

    مثال : 09120000000

